Audubon Trails Open
Jul 31, 2020 09:34AM ● By Audubon TrailsGreat news! After careful analysis and discussions with local officials, we have determined that we can safely open trails on many of our wildlife sanctuaries for local visitation.
These sanctuaries were selected based on a variety of conditions including being able to manage capacity for expected level of use—both on the trails and in the parking areas—as well as support from the communities where they are located.
We need your help to make sure they can stay open! Please follow these guidelines to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
• Remember that all buildings and facilities are closed (including restrooms and water fountains), dogs and bikes are not permitted, and please carry out anything you bring in.
Before You Visit
Stay local—look for an open sanctuary in your community or neighborhood.
Print or download a trail map at home—there will be no paper maps on site.
Pack a mask/face covering and hand sanitizer.
Upon Arriving
If the parking lot is full, please come back another time.
Park only in designated areas; do not park on the road, in fields not designated for parking, or on our neighbors’ properties.
Wear or bring your mask with you; wear it if you see other visitors nearby.
Do not gather in groups of people outside of your household.
Keep at least 6 feet apart from staff and other visitors.
Avoid high-touch surfaces such as benches, picnic tables, and Nature Play Areas.
On the Trails
Wear a mask if there are other visitors nearby.
Be sure to stay at least 6 feet apart from others.
Step aside to allow others to pass.
Keep visits short.
Thank you for caring for our wildlife sanctuaries as much as we do. Please stay safe and healthy!