Laser Cataract Surgery and Implant Options Closer to Home

What is a cataract and what is
cataract surgery?
A cataract is a common condition in which the normally clear
lens of the eye becomes progressively cloudy. When light passes
through a clear lens, the light can
focus to a point, creating a clear
view. When light passes through
a cataract, the light gets distorted,
creating a blurred view. Treatment for cataracts involves surgery to remove the cataract and
replace it with an intraocular lens
implant. It is the most common
surgical procedure in the US and
around the world and is considered to be an extremely successful
and safe procedure. It’s an exciting time to be offering contact
surgery! Laser technology and
advanced lens implants allow not
only for clear vision, but also for
reduction in need for glasses.
What is laser cataract surgery?
Many of the steps of cataract surgery are traditionally
performed using handheld tools.
Now, they can be completed with
the precision of a laser. Using
the Catalys Precision Laser System, your surgeon can offer you
unprecedented accuracy and
customization in your cataract
surgery procedure. Your surgeon
can use the laser to create a circular opening for accessing and
removing the cataract. Clinical studies have shown that this
opening is more accurate when
performed with the laser than
what is achievable by hand. The
laser then softens and breaks up
the hard cataract into tiny pieces,
allowing for gentler, easier cataract removal. Depending on your
pre-operative vision and desired
visual result, your surgeon may
recommend a tailored treatment
plan that could include creating
ultra-precise laser incisions in the
cornea and a specific lens implant
type. This tailored treatment may
reduce your need for glasses or
contact lenses after surgery.
What are my choices for lens
implants during surgery?
Once a cataract is removed,
this cloudy lens will be replaced
with an implant called an intraocular Lens or an IOL. IOLs
can have a wide range of capabilities. Given as they are a lens,
they can have different focusing
properties. IOLs can correct a
single focus point, correct for
astigmatism, or correct for all distances.
What is a standard, single
focus implant?
A standard single focus implant corrects for a single distance
only. It is unable to focus at all
distances. Glasses will be needed
after surgery to focus at other distances. This implant is covered by
all insurances at the time of the
cataract surgery.
What is a Toric IOL?
A Toric IOL is also a single
focus implant, but it is also able
to correct corneal astigmatism. Many patients have always
had astigmatism, and the standard implant will improve their
vision with the aid of glasses. The
Toric IOL will allow for these patients to be able to see clearly at
a set distance without the aid of
glasses (most patients choose distance).
What is a multifocal implant?
A multifocal implant corrects
for vision at all distances - near,
intermediate, and far. This IOL
allows for many patients to be
free of glasses.Its advantage is the
true capacity to provide a much
more functional ability; ability
to drive, read a cell phone, read
the dash, read a note. For more
strenuous activities such as doing
taxes, or prolonged detailed close
work, at times, a minor pair of
over-the-counter reading glasses
may also make such tasks more
There are several types of
these implants that are FDA approved: The Panoptix implant is
a true trifocal implant allowing
for comfortable all-distance vision. The Vivity implant is similar
to Panoptic however may require
more help for close reading tasks.
What are the risks of a multifocal implant?
In the early days after the implantation with the multifocal
implant, many patients notice
some glare and halos. These are
a direct result of the concentric
rings of the implants that also
produce the near and the distance image. After a period of
adjustment, most patients’ glare
and halos subside significantly,
although they will always be there
if one looks for them, the brandnew Vivity implant causes much
less risk of halos.
Who is not a good candidate
for multifocal implants?
It is very important to note
that a multifocal implant may
not be the best choice for all patients. Some patients with some
eye conditions, such as macular
degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal disease or glaucoma,
may be better candidates for
monofocal implants.
Why choose our practice and
surgery center?
It’s an exciting time to be a cataract surgeon or surgery patient!
The technological innovations in
our field are truly remarkable. At
Milford Franklin Eye Center, Dr.
Kaldawy is proud to offer bladeless laser assisted cataract surgery
and is the first surgeon in the
greater Boston area to implant
the PanOptix lens implant and
the new Vivity implant. No more
need to travel hours for your
cataract surgery! We operate in
a state-of-the-art surgery center
in Milford offering bladeless laser
cataract surgery. With a brand
new office in Franklin and a second location in Milford, seven
providers with your best interest
as our priority offer the best of
the best eye care closer to home.
Next time your optometrist asks
you to travel hours and miles for
cataract surgery, give us a call!
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