Annual town elections Annual Town Election is Tuesday May 11, 2021.

• Nomination papers are available from the Town Clerk’s Office beginning: February 16, 2021 29 signatures
• Papers must be submitted to the Registrars in the Town Clerks office on or before Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 5:00 PM
• Last day to withdraw as a candidate or object to nomination papers is Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 5:00 PM
• Last day to register to vote for the Annual Town Election is: Wednesday, April 21, 2021
• Last day to register to vote at the Annual Town Meeting is: Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Obtaining Nomination Papers
Nomination papers can be obtained by contacting the Hopedale Town Clerk’s office and making an appointment. With the new restrictions and difficulties arising as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have outlined some guidelines and suggestions below to help candidates navigate the collection of signatures. Please contact our office at any time if you have any questions.
Obtaining signatures: What is not allowed?
• Electronic signatures. All signatures must be in wet ink.
• Time Extensions. There are no extended deadlines approved by Massachusetts State for the obtaining of nomination signatures.
• Reduction of Signatures. The number of signatures required remains the same.
Obtaining signatures: What is allowed?
• Multiple signature pages – Each signee, or family, may have their own individual nomination paper form.
• Scheduling drop-off - Please give our office a call to schedule drop off of nomination papers so we can issue you a receipt.
Suggestions for Obtaining Signatures:
• You can mail/email individual nomination papers to people and ask them to print and sign them and mail them back to you.
• Candidates can set up a table, with permission, at a post office, or other public place (i.e. a grocery store), but include fresh pens, gloves and sanitizer.
• Some candidates are announcing the locations of supporters who have covered porches and letting people drop by to sign. Candidates can set specific hours to sign so their nomination papers don’t stay unsupervised for long hours.
• Advertise designated signing areas/times through social media or mail.
• Please note: each page must have the candidate’s information filled out on both the front and back of the page.