Contract awarded for library roof repairs $218,490 contract awarded to company with historic experience

Top: Contract awarded for roof repairs at the Bancroft Memorial Library. Credit: Theresa Knapp Bottom: Roof repairs at the library should be finished by the end of June. Credit: Theresa Knapp
By Theresa Knapp
The contract for roof repairs and restoration for the Bancroft Memorial Library has been awarded to Almar LLC of Medfield in the amount of $218,490.
The town received seven bids. Almar was the lowest qualified bidder with experience with historic buildings.
According to bid documents, Almar has worked on numerous public and private historic buildings and their work includes slate, wood and asphalt roofing; copper work; wood gutters; historic windows; structural beam repairs and more.
At a recent meeting of the Board of Selectmen, Library Director Robyn York said the repairs should be done by the end of June 2021.