Hopedale - Bancroft Memorial Library News

Library Update
We are back to our regular hours again! Patrons are still required to wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, and sign the contact log. However the Library is now open to unlimited browsing, sitting, reading, and working at tables (one person per table in the Reading Room). Room occupancy limits still apply.
Library Hours:
Monday and Wednesday 1pm-8pm
Tuesday and Thursday 10am-5pm
Friday 1pm-5pm
Saturday 10am-2pm
Aloe Plant Sale
The Library will have an aloe plant sale the week of June 7, during Library hours. Drop in, make a donation, and take home a plant!
Ongoing Monthly Library Events
Helen Symonds Book Group
This month we will travel to North Dakota’s Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation with author Louise Erdrich’s The Night Watchman when we meet on Zoom on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 1:00pm. Erdrich’s grandfather Patrick Gourneau was part of the first generation born on the Turtle Mountain Reservation in North Dakota. As the chairman of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa in the mid-1950s, he had to use all the political savvy he could muster to dissuade Utah Sen. Arthur V. Watkins from reneging on long-held treaties between Native Americans and the federal government. Erdrich’s grandfather is the inspiration for her novel’s protagonist, Thomas Wazhushk, the night watchman of the title. In The Night Watchman, Louise Erdrich weaves together a story of past and future generations, of preservation and progress. She grapples with the worst and best impulses of human nature, illuminating the loves and lives, desires and ambitions of her characters with compassion, wit and intelligence.
The Helen Symonds Book Group will not meet in July or August.
Friends of the Hopedale Library
The Friends of the Hopedale Library are accepting book donations on Saturday, June 12th from 10-12 outside at the library (weather permitting). Books should be in good condition, with adult titles being 10 years old or newer. Children’s books of any age in good condition will be accepted. We will go through them as you wait. Money raised by the ongoing and seasonal book sales go towards library programs. Our ongoing book sale is going on whenever the library is open. If you would like to order a $5 Bag of Books please email [email protected].
News from the Marjorie Hattersley Children’s Room
Summer Reading 2021 Registration
The theme for our Summer Reading program is Tails and Tales and we have a lot of fun activities planned! Registration for Summer Reading at the Bancroft Memorial Library begins on Monday, June 21. Participants may sign up in the Children’s Room or on the Library’s website.
Summer Programming 2021
This summer the Library is offering virtual and outside programming. For outside programming, participants are required to wear masks, sign the contact tracing log, use hand sanitizer, and practice social distancing. Space is limited for outside programming and registration is required. Sign-ups will begin the week of June 21. Call or email to register.
Fun with Electricity!
Do you have a spark of curiosity about electricity? Conduct electrical experiments with Vivian on Wednesday, June 23 at 3pm for Grades 4-6. Make circuits and more! Registration is required. Please call Mrs. Kraimer at (508)634-2209 to register.
Tale of the Rainbow Lizard
Traveling Lantern Theatre Company presents “Tale of the Rainbow Lizard” the week of June 28. Pablo Del Peacock (the famous portrait artist) is trying to paint a picture of beautiful Monique Gecko, but every morning she arrives a different color and he has to begin all over again. He and his friend Fatima Flamingo search for answers! Pablo learns about Monique’s diverse heritage. This virtual show is available from June 28 to July 4, at your convenience. Call the Library for the password and instructions, then go to www.travelinglantern.com and enjoy the show!
Story Hour with Mrs. Kraimer
Join Mrs. Kraimer on the lawn for story hour on Tuesday, June 29 at 2pm for ages 3 and up. Mrs. Kraimer will read stories about Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf and participants will take home a craft kit. Registration is required. Call Mrs. Kraimer at (508)634-2209 to register.
Teen Volunteers Needed
Looking for something to do this summer? Mrs. Kraimer is looking for teen volunteers (7th grade and up) for a variety of tasks, including helping out with programs and creating book reviews on our YouTube page. If you are interested, call Mrs. Kraimer at (508)634-2209.
Woven Llama Take and Make Craft Kit for Tweens/Teens
Do you love llamas? Pick up a Woven Llama Craft Kit in the Young Adult section beginning June 1.
For updates throughout the month, Friend us on Facebook, sign up at https://www.hopedale-ma.gov/subscribe to receive library news via email, and be sure to add the Mobile App to your phone for up-to-date reminders. The library webpage is - https://www.hopedale-ma.gov/bancroft-memorial-library .
We are back to our regular hours again! Patrons are still required to wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, and sign the contact log. However the Library is now open to unlimited browsing, sitting, reading, and working at tables (one person per table in the Reading Room). Room occupancy limits still apply.
Library Hours:
Monday and Wednesday 1pm-8pm
Tuesday and Thursday 10am-5pm
Friday 1pm-5pm
Saturday 10am-2pm
Aloe Plant Sale
The Library will have an aloe plant sale the week of June 7, during Library hours. Drop in, make a donation, and take home a plant!
Ongoing Monthly Library Events
Helen Symonds Book Group
This month we will travel to North Dakota’s Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation with author Louise Erdrich’s The Night Watchman when we meet on Zoom on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 1:00pm. Erdrich’s grandfather Patrick Gourneau was part of the first generation born on the Turtle Mountain Reservation in North Dakota. As the chairman of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa in the mid-1950s, he had to use all the political savvy he could muster to dissuade Utah Sen. Arthur V. Watkins from reneging on long-held treaties between Native Americans and the federal government. Erdrich’s grandfather is the inspiration for her novel’s protagonist, Thomas Wazhushk, the night watchman of the title. In The Night Watchman, Louise Erdrich weaves together a story of past and future generations, of preservation and progress. She grapples with the worst and best impulses of human nature, illuminating the loves and lives, desires and ambitions of her characters with compassion, wit and intelligence.
The Helen Symonds Book Group will not meet in July or August.
Friends of the Hopedale Library
The Friends of the Hopedale Library are accepting book donations on Saturday, June 12th from 10-12 outside at the library (weather permitting). Books should be in good condition, with adult titles being 10 years old or newer. Children’s books of any age in good condition will be accepted. We will go through them as you wait. Money raised by the ongoing and seasonal book sales go towards library programs. Our ongoing book sale is going on whenever the library is open. If you would like to order a $5 Bag of Books please email [email protected].
News from the Marjorie Hattersley Children’s Room
Summer Reading 2021 Registration
The theme for our Summer Reading program is Tails and Tales and we have a lot of fun activities planned! Registration for Summer Reading at the Bancroft Memorial Library begins on Monday, June 21. Participants may sign up in the Children’s Room or on the Library’s website.
Summer Programming 2021
This summer the Library is offering virtual and outside programming. For outside programming, participants are required to wear masks, sign the contact tracing log, use hand sanitizer, and practice social distancing. Space is limited for outside programming and registration is required. Sign-ups will begin the week of June 21. Call or email to register.
Fun with Electricity!
Do you have a spark of curiosity about electricity? Conduct electrical experiments with Vivian on Wednesday, June 23 at 3pm for Grades 4-6. Make circuits and more! Registration is required. Please call Mrs. Kraimer at (508)634-2209 to register.
Tale of the Rainbow Lizard
Traveling Lantern Theatre Company presents “Tale of the Rainbow Lizard” the week of June 28. Pablo Del Peacock (the famous portrait artist) is trying to paint a picture of beautiful Monique Gecko, but every morning she arrives a different color and he has to begin all over again. He and his friend Fatima Flamingo search for answers! Pablo learns about Monique’s diverse heritage. This virtual show is available from June 28 to July 4, at your convenience. Call the Library for the password and instructions, then go to www.travelinglantern.com and enjoy the show!
Story Hour with Mrs. Kraimer
Join Mrs. Kraimer on the lawn for story hour on Tuesday, June 29 at 2pm for ages 3 and up. Mrs. Kraimer will read stories about Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf and participants will take home a craft kit. Registration is required. Call Mrs. Kraimer at (508)634-2209 to register.
Teen Volunteers Needed
Looking for something to do this summer? Mrs. Kraimer is looking for teen volunteers (7th grade and up) for a variety of tasks, including helping out with programs and creating book reviews on our YouTube page. If you are interested, call Mrs. Kraimer at (508)634-2209.
Woven Llama Take and Make Craft Kit for Tweens/Teens
Do you love llamas? Pick up a Woven Llama Craft Kit in the Young Adult section beginning June 1.
For updates throughout the month, Friend us on Facebook, sign up at https://www.hopedale-ma.gov/subscribe to receive library news via email, and be sure to add the Mobile App to your phone for up-to-date reminders. The library webpage is - https://www.hopedale-ma.gov/bancroft-memorial-library .