Hopedale - Bancroft Memorial Library News
Aug 02, 2021 09:37AM ● By Chuck Tashjian
Checkout History
Do you enjoy reading? Have you ever found yourself holding a book in your hand and thinking, “Have I read this one before?” I have a solution for this problem. Ask your computer to keep track of the books for you! Here’s how…….
Go to the Hopedale website, click Library and then click Catalog. Log into your account using your library card number and password. Click on Account Preferences tab. Click on Search and History Preferences tab. Scroll down and check box next to Keep History of Checked Out Items. Scroll down and click Save. The items you check out from the date you set the preferences will display. To find this list, click Items Checked Out tab. Then click Checkout History tab.
If you have any problems, just call the library. We’re happy to help!
Ongoing Monthly Library Events
Helen Symonds Book Group
After a year of Zoom Book Discussions, we will return to the library in September! Please contact the library at (508)634-2209 and sign up if you plan to attend our September meeting.
The Hopedale Book Discussion Group usually meets monthly on the first Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the Bancroft Memorial Library meeting room. Everyone is welcome to join the group. If interested in joining the group, please leave your contact information at the Circulation Desk.
Our September meeting will be held the 2nd Wednesday of the month on Sept. 8 at 1:00 pm due to the Labor Day Holiday. We will meet in the Bancroft Memorial Library meeting room. Our book for discussion will be The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. “Explore the secretive world of Bletchley Park in this immersive saga. Debutant Osla Kendall meets fellow Bletchley Park recruit Mab Churt on the train in 1940. While working at Bletchley, they share a room at the home of Beth Finch. After discovering Beth’s talent for solving crosswords, Osla helps Beth get a job interview at Bletchley Park. Beth shines in her work on breaking codes, but when she discovers someone at Bletchley is likely a traitor, no one believes her. Soon, she winds up the suspected traitor and is committed at Clockwell Sanitarium after having a mental breakdown. In 1947, almost four years later, Beth contacts Osla and Mab, who help Beth escape from Clockwell. Together, the women work to crack a code that will help them find the traitor. Quinn’s page-turning narrative is enhanced by her richly drawn characters, who unite under the common purpose of Britain’s war effort, and by the fascinating code-breaking techniques, which come alive via Quinn’s extensive historical detail.” --Adapted from PW Reviews
Wednesday Knitting & Crocheting Group
Join Knovel Knitters for an evening of knitting and crocheting every Wednesday night from 6:00pm until 7:45pm.
Friends of the Hopedale Library
Don’t forget to visit The Friends of the Hopedale Library’s Ongoing Book Sale! Fill a bag for $5 and you’ll have plenty to read while relaxing on the beach! We are restocked and open during Library hours.
News from the Marjorie Hattersley Children’s Room
Thank You!
Summer Reading 2021 was a wonderful success! Thank you very much to our sponsors: The Hopedale Cultural Council, The Friends of the Hopedale Library, JJ’s Ice Cream, and Green Mountain Chocolate. Thank you also to our high school volunteers for their hard work! We could not have done it without you!
National Coloring Book Day
Monday, August 2 is National Coloring Book Day! Stop by the Children’s Room and pick up some coloring pages to celebrate!
Story Hour – Down on the Farm
Join us for Story Hour on Tuesday, August 3 at 2pm for ages 3 and up. We will read stories about farm animals and participants will take home a craft kit. Call the Library at (508)634-2209 to register.
Doodle Your Journal
Doodle Your Journal with Mary Alice Gruppi on Wednesday, August 4 at 3pm! For those in grades 5 and up, bring a plain composition book and add some personality. Scrapbook paper, old maps, and other add-ons provided. Bring your favorite add-on like a special picture or some quotes. Practice some new lettering and doodles for your pages. Call the Library at (508)634-2209 to register.
Awesome Robb Pirate Magic Show
Discover the roar of laughter on Thursday, August 5 at 2pm when Captain Robbie Bones shows up with a chest full of Magic and Juggling Apparatus on the Community House Lawn. See how quickly children and adults become shipmates and learn how to speak pirate! An excellent adventure for children in Kindergarten and up! Call the Library at (508)634-2209 to register.
Weekly Take and Make Craft Kits for Ages 10+
Pick up a Take and Make Craft kit on Saturday, August 7 and follow instructions on YouTube to make a Minecraft Plush Cube!
Summer Reading Raffle Winners
Make sure to get your bingo sheets to Mrs. Kraimer by Thursday, August 5. Mrs. Kraimer will be drawing the names of the winners of the raffle on Friday, August 6.
Build-A-Bear Teddy Bear Workshop for Raffle Winners
Winners of the Build-A-Bear Teddy Bear Kits are invited to create their bears on Tuesday, August 10 at 3pm.
Topsfield Fair Read and Win 2021
If you are in grades K-6, don’t forget to complete and return two Reading Challenge Bingo Sheets by Wednesday, August 11 to win a Topsfield Fair Prize Package!
For updates throughout the month, Friend us on Facebook, sign up at https://www.hopedale-ma.gov/subscribe to receive library news via email, and be sure to add the Mobile App to your phone for up-to-date reminders. The library webpage is - https://www.hopedale-ma.gov/bancroft-memorial-library .