The Unitarian Parish of Hopedale, Massachusetts has initiated the restoration of its unique and historic Draper Memorial Medallion Window, created by Tiffany in 1915. Craftsmen from Stained Glass Resources of Hampden, Massachusetts have begun the painstaking removal of the large, Gothic style window that has graced the transept of the Unitarian Parish for 106 years. It will be transported to their shop, completely disassembled, refurbished and re-leaded before being reinstalled in approximately three months.
“This is a once in a century project,” said the Reverend Stephen Cook, minister of the parish. “No one now living has ever seen that window site without its lancets and medallions depicting nine scenes from the life of Christ in beautiful, jewel-like tones. No one now living will be around see it restored once again in the 22nd Century.”
The church’s English Gothic style structure is prominent in downtown Hopedale and is fortunate to be blessed with another large Tiffany window in its chancel, depicting Jesus as the Good Shepherd of the Dale, as well as eight, side aisle windows by the 20th Century, stained glass artisan, Charles Connick. These windows, in triptych style, use eight figures from the New Testament to illustrate verses from the Sermon on the Mount.
“The parish regards itself as stewards of these marvelous works of art, donated originally by members of the Draper family and part of our religious life for over a century.,” said Reverend Cook. “We intend that they shall be just as beautiful and inspiring for those who will come after us.”