Plaintiff #1 requests emails between selectman and reps for Grafton-Upton Railroad Public records request includes all email, texts, or voicemails
By Theresa Knapp
Town resident Liz Reilly has issued a public records request for all communications between Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Brian Keyes and Jon Delli Priscoli or Michael Milanoski, principals of the Grafton-Upon Railroad, “regarding any GURR development or operational issues, plans, strategy, funding, or notifications from January 1, 2019 to the present (not limited to the West St property).”
Reilly is sometimes referred to as “plaintiff number one” since she is listed first in a group of 10 residents who filed suit against selectmen Brian Keyes and Louis Arcudi III (plus the Grafton & Upton Railroad Company, Jon Delli Priscoli, Michael Milanowski, and One Hundred Forty Realty Trust) for allegedly not following guidelines set at an October 2020 Special Town Meeting to purchase 155 acres of land at or near 364 West Street. That suit is still making its way through Worcester Superior Court.
The next hearing for that lawsuit is September 9, 2021.
At a selectmen’s meeting on August 9, Chairman Brian Keyes says Reilly’s August. 2 request “is going to be another exercise in futility. We’ve been completely open and transparent and the records will show that.”