Town boards must offer remote access to all meetings All boards must comply with “new gold standard”

By Theresa Knapp
Hopedale selectmen have adopted a Remote Participation Policy under which all town boards must have a way for the public to remotely attend all meetings.
In June, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed legislation that “enables public bodies to continue to hold remote meetings through April 1, 2022,” extending a practice put into place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since social distancing limitations were lifted recently, some town boards have been meeting in person in rooms that are not digitally accessible to residents who might like to attend.
“That’s where we’re getting concerns because [boards] have been very visible and now it seems like they’re not,” said Town Administrator Diana Schindler when discussing the issue with selectmen at their August 9th meeting.
Schindler said some town officials do not have the technology or equipment to join digitally.
Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Brian Keyes said town officials must find a way to comply, suggesting boards move their meeting times, days, or location.
“If they can’t do it then find a way to do it because, at the end of the day, you’re not going to be able to hold your meeting.”
Before posting a meeting, the Town Clerk will confirm the meeting location is accessible for anyone who might want to attend remotely.
“Everyone is going to be held to this new gold standard,” said Keyes who advises residents “If you can’t get into a meeting, contact the Board of Selectmen.”