Hopedale calls for Special Town Meeting on Oct. 16 Voters to allocate $292,000 debt exclusion that passed in June
By Theresa Knapp
The Board of Selectmen has called for a Special Town Meeting to be held on Saturday, Oct. 16, at 11 a.m. to vote on the allocation of the $292,556 debt exclusion that passed earlier this year.
In June, the funds were moved into the town’s stabilization fund while awaiting disbursement.
The selectmen and the Finance Committee held a joint meeting on Sept. 13 to discuss a portion of those funds, approximately $180,000, while the remaining balance is still being vetted. The warrant will close on Sept. 23.
The items recommended by the Finance Committee include (as of Sept. 13)
“The main goal of this list is to benefit as many people as possible through services or for the department’s use while also being good stewards of taxpayers’ money going into Special Town Meeting,” said Finance Committee Chairman Chris Hodgens whose committee has met with department heads to review their requests.
One of the goals of the Finance Committee is to create a long-term capital plan, not just apply a patch for the critical items, said Hodgens.
“We really want to build that out and create a process for planned obsolescence and replacement so it’s not a big surprise every couple of years when something breaks down.”
The Finance Committee is working on the funding mechanism for future years but notes that some debt will be rolling off the books, and also noted the town’s credit rating is being impacted [low] because it is not utilizing its borrowing capacity.
Selectwoman Glenda Hazard reminded residents that the list of requests, and the total dollar figure requested, were both much larger at the start of this process which has seen many iterations.
“So if there was something there that they were concerned about [and now it is not on the list], it’s not necessarily that it didn’t get funded but it may have gotten funded through another source,” she said.
Mike Reynolds is a member of the Park Committee and a member of the Ad Hoc Field Committee. He is concerned that one of the items that didn’t make the final list is necessary repairs to the tennis courts, etc.
“I would like to say there were [recommendations] on there that we’ve ignored, that we as a community have ignored, through the years and they’re getting to the point where they are critical or they’re not going to be able to be used any more. That goes for the tennis courts at Town Park. That goes for the basketball court at Town Park. The longer we wait the more expensive those repairs become...We’re coming very close to not being able to use those facilities at all,” said Reynolds who described the town’s athletic field and facilities as “dilapidated.”
Board Chairman Brian Keyes referred to the items that made the list as “mission critical,” adding “I know that many things are on the secondary list or aren’t going to make the list at all this year and we apologize for that be we’re working feverishly to try to make changes so we don’t have to line-item things out.
Special town meeting rain date is Oct. 23.