Envision Hopedale Update Hopedale Master Plan Community Survey
Final Phase The Town of Hopedale is pleased to announce that Phase 3 of Envision Hopedale, our effort to create a community Master Plan, is underway! Please help us complete this final phase by again sharing your feedback. A community survey on the Phase 3 topics- Transportation and Town Services & Facilities is available at surveymonkey.com/r/HopedaleMasterPlanPhase3.
You may also pick up a hard copy of the survey at Town Hall or the Hopedale Sr. Center. The Master Plan is important planning document. Upon completion, it will be used to guide municipal policies and investments for the next 10-20 years.
While Hopedale has completed various planning efforts over the years, this is the first time our community has undertaken a comprehensive, formal master planning process as defined under contemporary Massachusetts General Law. Development of the Hopedale Master Plan kicked off in 2020, when Hopedale received partial funding through the Community Compact Cabinet. Hopedale convened a Master Plan Steering Committee in fall of 2020 and brought on the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) to help guide the effort. Subsequently, CMRPC secured grant funding for Phases 2 and 3 through the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, enabling seamless development of the full comprehensive master plan. Phase 1, which included a substantial community engagement and visioning process, mapping, and development of 3 chapters, is complete.
Phase 2, which included two Master Plan chapters and a full Open Space and Recreation Plan, is 85% complete. A final Phase 3 kicked off in February of 2022. It will include additional community surveying and engagement, development of two final chapters, edits to all prior chapters per Board feedback, and creation of an online, interactive summary plan. The entire Master Plan is expected to be complete in summer /fall of 2022. For more information or to get in touch, please visit envisionhopedale.com