Select board makes appointments and accepts resignations
By Theresa Knapp
At meetings of the Hopedale Select Board in February and March, the board made the following appointments:
• Call Firefighter Jennifer Richard to Permanent Firefighter/EMT, effective December 6, 2021
• Call Firefighter-Candidate Katherine D’Alessandro to Call Firefighter, effective March 1, 2022
• Call Firefighter-Candidate Gavin Martin to Call Firefighter, effective March 1
• Call Firefighter-Candidate Casey Sweet to Call Firefighter, effective March 1
• Gail Brown to the Hopedale Cultural Council, effective March 14
The Select Board also accepted the following resignations:
• Saken Khokhar from the Economic Development Committee, effective March 8
• Officer Robert Doyon from the Hopedale Police Department, effective March 9
• Linda McEwan from the Hopedale Cultural Council, effective March 14
The board also accepted a Notice of Disclosure from Elizabeth Callahan who is a member of the town’s Finance Committee which will be making recommendations on the upcoming special town meeting warrant which contains several items related to the Grafton & Upton Railroad. Callahan states her first cousin is married to a legal representative for the GURR.