Outgoing Select Board member Lou Arcudi honored for 31 years of service
By Theresa Knapp
At the May 9 meeting of the Hopedale Select Board, State Representative Brian W. Murray (D-Milford) read a citation from the House of Representatives thanking Arcudi for more than 30 years of service to the Town of Hopedale.
“Lou, you’ve done a great job here for such a long time. I’m pleased to be able to say thank you on behalf of the community and also on behalf of the House of Representatives,” said Murray, who has known Arcudi since high school.
The citation said, “Be it hereby known to all that the House of Representatives offers sincere congratulations to Louis J. Arcudi in recognition of dedicated and selfless service to the Town of Hopedale for 31 year as a member of the Conservation Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Board of Health, School Committee, and the Select Board.
The House, Select Board, and local departments wished Arcudi success in the future.
Arcudi said his father, who was active in community service in Milford and who worked with Murray in that town, was his inspiration for his many years of service.
“My father would be pretty proud of me knowing that it came from you,” Arcudi said to Murray.
“It has been an honor to serve the Town of Hopedale for 31-plus years. I want to thank the Town of Hopedale residents for their support…I’ve served with some amazing people on those boards and on this board as well. I really appreciate the opportunity to serve with you all.”