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Hopedale - Local Town Pages

Hopedale Select Board reorganizes, makes appointments, accepts resignations and donations, and notes vacancies

By Theresa Knapp  
At its meeting on May 16, 2022, the Select Board reorganized to reflect the results of the May 10 town election which welcomed Bernie Stock to the Board. Stock filled the seat vacated by Louis R. Arcudi III who cycled off the board, and out of town government, after serving the town on various boards for more than 30 years. 
The board nominated Glenda Hazard as its new chairperson. 
During meetings on April 25 and May 9, the former Select Board made the following appointments, accepted resignations and donations, and noted the following vacancies. 
Appointments included: 
• George Leurini as a Full-Time Police Officer to the Hopedale Police Department, effective June 6, 2022 
Resignations included: 
• Ryan Costello from the Hopedale Police Department, effective April 25, 2022  
• Reserve Officer Joseph Houde from the Hopedale Police Department, effective April 30, 2022 
Donations accepted include: 
•$5,000 from the Seven Hills Foundation  

Vacant town positions include one alternate wiring inspector, five members of the Capital Planning Committee, two members of the Conservation Commission, one Constable, one member of the Development and Industrial Commission, two members of the Disabilities Commission, one member of the Historical Commission, one member of the Open Space and Recreation Planning Committee, four members of the Recreational Field Committee, and two alternate members for the Zoning Board of Appeals. 
To see a full list of vacancies or to volunteer for a board or committee, visit and search for “List of Vacancies” and/or “Talent Bank Form.”