Senior Center News

The Hopedale Sr. Center is in Critical Need of a Van Driver
Drive our van! The Hopedale Sr. Center is looking for an experienced driver for our 8 passenger van. The schedule is as needed, on Tuesdays and Thursdays for approximately 4 hours each day. All driving is to local area towns. A paid train-ing in general operation and CPR is required through the MWRTA (MetroWest Regional Transit Authority).
If you or anyone you know would like to help the Sr. Center continue this valued service, please contact Carole Mullen at (508)634-2208.
Program for Stress Reduction
Instructor Faith Kennedy, will lead a series of four (4) classes focusing on meditation basics for stress reduction.
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Aug. 11& 25, Sept. 1 & 8
$20.00 for the series. Sign-up is required.
Call the Sr. Center at (508)634-2208.
News from shine
Medicare Preventive Services
Did you know that Medicare Part B covers approximately two dozen preventive benefits, often at no or low cost to you? These benefits include services such as your flu and pneumonia shots, COVID shots, screenings for various health conditions (e.g., heart disease and certain types of cancer), and options to help you stop smoking.
Preventive care may help to keep you healthier by preventing illness or detecting medical conditions. For more information on covered preventive benefits, see Section 2 of the Medicare & You 2022 handbook at Medicare and You Handbook 2022 or call your local SHINE office with questions. Also, talk to your health care provider about how Medicare preventive services can help you.
(Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) funded through the federal agency, Administration for Community Living and administered through the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Certified counselors are available to assist you with questions about Medicare. Our services are free and unbiased: we are available to discuss all options related to Medicare and additional coverage, and we do not sell any plans.
To make an appointment; call your local senior center at (508)634-2208. A certified SHINE counselor will return your call. Counselors assist clients through in-person appointments, phone, video conferencing (such as Zoom or FaceTime), email, or postal mail. We also offer excellent resources online through our website at, our Medicare 101 webinars, and our Facebook page: SHINE Central MA.
“Reading Buddies” Summer Reading 2022
As part of this year’s Summer Reading Program, the Library and the COA will be collaborating on a special “Reading Buddies” program that will pair 3rd and 4th graders with a senior on Thursday mornings. Each “Reading Buddies” pair will select the stories that they would like to read together and will meet each week to talk about the book and share stories. When they have finished reading their first book, they can select another book together. Library staff will be available to suggest authors and titles and will provide discussion questions for the groups.
“Reading Buddies” will meet from 10:30 – 11:15 AM at the Library on July 7, 14, 21, 28 and August 4, and 11. “Reading Buddies” will meet for 6 consecutive weeks. As part of the program, “Reading Buddies” will also have an opportunity to read to several therapy dogs.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Ms. Carole Mullen at the COA (508) 634-2208.
Do You Need Help Paying for Prescription Drugs?
Each year thousands of Medicare beneficiaries reach a gap in their Medi-care prescription drug plan, often referred to as the “donut hole”.
If you reach that gap, you will see your prescription drug costs increase dramatically! Don’t let this happen to you. Prescription Advantage can help.
Prescription Advantage is a state-sponsored program that supplements your Medicare drug plan to fill the gap.
For more information about Prescription Advantage, call the Sr. Center at (508)634-2208 or go to
Move, Groove & Sculpt
Meets at the Hopedale Sr. Center
Wednesdays, 10 - 10:45 am
6 weeks July 13 - August 17
Ann Lynch - Instructor
$20.00 for entire series.
A fun class that fuses together movement, stretching, and strengthen all while having fun. This class alternates upper-body and lower body strength work with low-impact cardio exercises. It is designed to teach body awareness for fall pre-vention and exercises to increase cognitive function, balance all while improve strength and endurance. A chair handheld weight or tubing, and small ball are recommended. We will provide all equipment. Sign-up required.
Call (508)634-2208.
Free Memory Training Classes
Wednesdays from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Sept. 14, 21, 28 and Oct. 5
Mendon Sr. Center
62 Providence St., Mendon
Our first series of classes was well-received. The Hopedale Sr. will again partner with the Mendon Sr. Center and offer the UCLA Memory Training Program.
What is Memory Training?
Memory Training is a 4-session course teaching memory enhancing techniques.
What Will You Learn in Class?
• What memory is and how it works
• How to reduce tip of tongue moments
• How to reduce your memory burden
• Your learning style
• Better memory habits
• Strategies & techniques for some of the most common memory complaints
• How to remember names and faces
• How to remember where you put things
9 out of 10 participants report improvements in their memory!
These classes were developed by the UCLA Longevity Center. Classes are free, informative and fun.
Please call the Hopedale Sr. Center to register for this program. (508)634-2208.
Meets at the Sr. Center
Tuesdays, 9 - 10 am
Crystal Lee - Instructor
$5.00 p.p.
You may be seated in a chair or on a mat . Try this wonderful movement class.
Tai Chi
Meets at Sr. Center
Thursdays, 1 - 2 pm
Faith Kennedy - Instructor
$5.00 p.p.
Gentle movement class that incorporates breathing and meditation.
Drop-ins welcome for these classes. Call the Hopedale Sr. Center at (508)643-2208 with any questions.