Hopedale is a few steps closer to hiring a Town Planner

By Theresa Knapp
Hopedale is a bit closer to hiring a Town Planner.
The Select Board, Planning Board, and Economic Development Committee have met over the last two months to discuss the matter. At a joint meeting in early September, Planning Board Chair Stephen Chaplin said, “This position is very much needed as a piece that’s very clearly missing, particularly to those of us who are on the front lines…The consequences of not having this person are pretty dire.”
At a Select Board meeting on Sept. 26, Chair Glenda Hazard reported that she, Select Board member Bernie Stock, and Chaplin met to discuss the position and also consulted with a retired town planner to help the town finalize a job description.
At a follow-up meeting on Oct. 11, Hazard reported the three-page draft job description, which can be found at https://bit.ly/3VNn71K, was distributed to other town boards for comment. There was some feedback “but essentially no substantive edits to the actual job description,” she said.
The job description lists the statement of duties as:
Position is responsible for providing professional assessment, supervision and guidance on development presented in the Town of Hopedale and provides administrative support to the town’s planning-related boards. Work involves assessing proposals for land use and development; determining compliance with zoning ordinances and applicable state and federal laws; planning long-range projects; acquiring and administering relevant grants, and recommending policies, standards or criteria to help the town achieve its long-term planning goals. The planner will act as liaison between boards reviewing development, as well as those reviewing open space and recreation needs to assist the town in finding appropriate balance between development, conservation, recreation and open space needs.
Job functions include:
Administers the Town’s land use processes; coordinates all land use board actions, ensures compliance with all statutory requirements, recommends amendments to Zoning By-Laws as needed, prepares all required reports and maintains records.
Applies for and manages the Town’s CDBG and other grants; oversees projects to ensure compliance with grant requirements.
Provides administrative support to the Planning Board; prepares for and attends meetings, researches applications and petitions, administers policies and procedures, and provides other information or assistance as required.
Reviews available town resources; develops and administers various planning studies relating to land use, development, and infrastructure; provides recommendations regarding town land, and assesses townwide implications on resources as well as revenue.
Provides leadership and technical assistance to the business community, revitalization groups and ad hoc planning groups in the interest of developing and implementing long range planning goals that reflect shared values of balanced development, preservation, character and history.
Serves as a liaison to State and Federal officials regarding planning issues affecting the community.
Works with developers, engineers, attorneys, and others involved with the development process; negotiates impact fees and public infrastructure improvements from developers.
Provides information and assistance to various boards, committees and commissions on planning related issues.
Provides information and assistance to other town departments and the public regarding zoning, site plans, subdivisions, and other topics; responds to inquiries or complaints and explains policies and procedures.
Prepares and oversees operating budget and annual report for the Planning Department; monitors expenditures such as peer review, advertising, abutter notifications, all other related
Job qualifications include: a Bachelor’s Degree in Urban Planning, 2-5 years of experience as a municipal planner, valid Massachusetts driver’s license, and certification as a planner from the American Institute of Certified Planners. A Master’s Degree is considered a plus.
Benefits include a salary range of $65,000 to $75,000; 80 percent health/dental/life insurance paid by the town; and paid holidays, vacation and sick time.
Town Meeting previously set aside funding for this position and town officials are working to get the money in the appropriate account.
As of press time, the position had not been posted online.