Bancroft Memorial Library News

50 Hopedale Street, Hopedale
Contact: Tricia Perry, Library Director 508-634-2209
Presidents’ Day
The Bancroft Memorial Library will be closed on Monday, February 20 in observance of Presidents’ Day.
Planning for Medicare - Countdown to 65
Need help understanding your Medicare health insurance options? Join us for a no-cost seminar led by Susan Flanagan, a representative of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, on Wednesday, February 8 at 6:30pm(Snow Date: February 15 at 6:30pm). This seminar will help you understand your Medicare health insurance options outside of your employer-sponsored coverage, whether or not you’re planning to retire. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Registration is encouraged, but not required. For questions, please contact the Library Staff at 508-634-2209.
Massachusetts Library Collaborative 50+ Job Seekers Networking Group
The free, biweekly skillbuilding and networking group meetings for people 50 years and older looking for a new job, a new career direction, or a Second Act career continue this month on Zoom. We offer morning and evening classes: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 9:30-11:30am, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 6-8pm. Topics this month: February 1/8 Marketing Plans and Marketing Briefs and February 15/22 Applications and Cover Letters. Please check our website for more information. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Hopedale Library.
Helen Symonds Book Group
The Helen Symonds Book Group will meet February 1 at 1:00 pm in the Bancroft Memorial Library meeting room to discuss Deacon King Kong by James McBride. Books are available at the library.
The book group is open to everyone, but if you are new, please sign up at the library circulation
“In September 1969, a fumbling, cranky old church deacon known as Sportcoat shuffles into the courtyard of the Cause Houses housing project in south Brooklyn, pulls a .45 from his pocket, and in front of everybody shoots the project's drug dealer at point-blank range. The reasons for this desperate burst of violence and the consequences that spring from it lie at the heart of Deacon King Kong, James McBride's funny, moving novel and his first since his National Book Award-winning The Good Lord Bird.” – adapted from CWMARS catalog
Save the Date 3/1! - Poet Lynne Viti
Join the Helen Symonds Book Group on Wednesday, March 1 at 1:00 pm, as we host local poet Lynne Viti. Lynne Viti is the author of The Walk to Cefalù (2022), Dancing at Lake Montebello: Poems (2020), Going Too Fast (2020), and two poetry chapbooks, Baltimore Girls (2017) and The Glamorganshire Bible (2018), as well as Punting (2018), Dreaming Must Be Done in the Daytime (2018) and In Louisburgh, County Mayo (2019). Copies of books will be available for purchase and book signing. Please sign up at the Library’s circulation desk for this special event or call us at 508-634-2209.
Wednesday Needlework Group
Join us for an evening of needlework every Wednesday night from 6:00pm until 7:45pm. Bring your latest project. No commitment required – come when you can!
The Friends of the Hopedale Library
The Friends of the Hopedale Library are pleased to present "Irish in America" on Wednesday, March 1st at 6:30 pm. Come join us as Mary King, Kathy Clasper-Torch, and Dan Lenair share an Irish immigrant's musical journey. Irish immigrants captured the heart of the nation with their mix of Irish jigs, ballads, folk songs, storytelling, and humor. Their music was influenced by their travels throughout New England, the Midwest, Appalachia, and the West. Celtic traditions were infused with new styles and instruments creating a new voice to their culture, along with the old. Get your green on, warm up your voice and enjoy the warmth, spirit, and hilarity. Mary King often teaches a beginner's Irish gig before the start of the program.
All ages are welcome. There is no charge to attend this program but registration is requested. To register please call the library at 508-634-2209 or stop by the upstairs circulation desk. You do not have to be a Friend of the Library to attend. The Friends of the Library hold their meetings on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. New Friends are always welcome!
Flower Power Fundraising
Purchase great quality plants and bulbs for the spring while supporting the Library! The Friends of the Hopedale Library earns 50% of each sale through Flower Power Fundraising. Orders are due by May 15th. The Friends of the Hopedale Library is a volunteer, non-profit organization which works with the library staff and the trustees to support the Library to provide funds for equipment, materials and programs not covered by the Library's regular operating budget. Click on the link to order and support the Library today:
News from the Marjorie Hattersley Children’s Room
Registration is encouraged but not required for all events. Please call Mrs. Kraimer at (508)634-2209 to register!
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
In partnership with the 1000 Books Foundation, the Bancroft Memorial Library, Bright Beginnings Center, Friends of the Hopedale Library, and the Middlesex Savings Bank, we are pleased to introduce the “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” literacy initiative for children ages Birth-5 years. The goal of the program is to encourage parents and caregivers to read 1000 books with their child before Kindergarten. This program is available to all families with children between the ages of birth and five years. Registration is open and the program is free to all. For more information, call the Library at 508-634-2209 or visit our website.
Storytimes with Mrs. Kraimer
Enjoy books and crafts with Mrs. Kraimer during Storytime! All books read in storytimes can count towards the “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” program. Storytimes begin the first week of February and will run for 10 weeks.
Storytime - Tuesdays at 10:30am (Ages 2-5)
Mother Goose Rhyme Time - Thursdays at 10:30am (Birth- 3 years)
After School Storytime - Wednesdays at 3:15pm (Ages 5-7)
Homeschool Hangout!
Get together with other homeschool families from the Hopedale area to learn, engage, and socialize on Tuesday mornings 11am-12pm. All ages invited!
Take Your Child to the Library Day
Celebrate “Take Your Child to the Library Day” on Saturday, February 4 at 11am. For all ages!
Owl Moon
Monday, February 6 will be a full moon, and time for the Children's Room to host its annual celebration of Owl Moon. Children, ages 3 through 7, are invited to join us at 6pm to read Jane Yolen's classic story. Then help us search, through the quiet darkness, for the elusive Snowy Owl in the Children’s room. Each child is asked to bring a flashlight.
Valentine’s Day Crafts
Create a valentine for your special person on February 13 at 3:30pm. Ages 5+
Miniatures - Bedroom
Back by popular demand! Join us in the fascinating world of Miniatures on Saturday, February 18 at 11am! Create a dollhouse-size bedroom. All materials are provided. Ages 9+
February Vacation
Looking for something to do during February Vacation? Visit the Library on Tuesday, February 21 at 1pm for Craft Time and Thursday, February 23 at 1pm for Legos! Ages 5+
Pre-Teen Advisory Board
The Pre-Teen Advisory Board will meet on Monday, February 27 at 5pm. Open to anyone in grades 5-8 and/or ages 10-14. No registration required.
For updates throughout the month, Friend us on Facebook and sign up at to discover the Library’s newest books, movies and music. Our webpage is