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Hopedale - Local Town Pages

Hopedale Seniors

It’s not too late to apply for helpwith your home heating costs!
All sources of heating (Oil, Gas, Propane, Electric & Wood) are eligible. Additional weatherization and heating system repair/appliance replacement services may be available as well. Income Guidelines:
1 Person: $42,411
2 People : $55,461
Call the Senior Center at (508)634-2208 for full eligibility details. All applications are confidential. We can help you manage high home heating costs.
Active Adult Dance and Stretch for Fun and Fitness
Hopedale’s own, Pauline Wright, former professional Dance teacher
and Choreographer will offer active adult dance classes which will
incorporate Ballet and Jazz movements. These classes are for all levels
of experience regardless of abilities. Come dance for fun and personal
Two free trial classes are being offered on the following dates:
Tuesday March 14 and 28, 2023
Hopedale Senior Center - 3:30 pm 4:30 pm
Registration required. Please call (508)634-2208.
If there is enough interest in classes will continue on a weekly basis starting in April . The cost will be
$5.00 per class.
Learn how to Take Better Pictures with your Smartphone
Professional photographer, Steve Mc Grath will hold a five (5) class series that will enable you to broaden
your understanding of Smartphone photography. Learn how to create
great Images on your phone, use editing apps., and share and print
your images. The class will also teach you how to use essential phone
controls as well as show you the best free and low-cost tools for editing
and image managing photographs.
Classes are on : Tues. at the Hopedale Senior Center
10:00 am to 11:30 am
March 14, 21, 28 and April 4 and 11
$25.00 for series of five (5) classes.
Registration by 2/10/2023. Call (508)634-2208.

Volunteer opportunities for seniors 
Are you a senior citizen looking for a way to volunteer in the community? If so, consider any of these volunteer opportunities: 
Become a “Grandfriend” at the Bright Beginnings Center Preschool in Hopedale
Become a “Reading Buddy” at the Bancroft Library (Summer Program)
Call BINGO  (Monday afternoon)
Assist in preparing the monthly Newsletter for mailing
Deliver Meals on Wheels (Meals are delivered on weekdays only around 11:30 am.
Teach a Class at the Sr. Center
Escort Grocery Bus or Help Us Serve Meals at Our Monthly Lunches 
Train to be an AARP Tax Preparer