After-Prom Event Keeps Kids Safe In Hopedale
As anticipated as the tradition of going to the prom is for older high school students, so too is the worry their parents experience over how to keep them safe in those hours after the prom has just ended.
Countless safety videos and public service announcements have been developed to warn students about the dangers of post prom partying, especially when transportation is involved. Since many of today’s parents were high school students who attended prom themselves, recollections of prom night celebrations is a reality, not just the topic of some corny low budget documentary. Those recollections are what led to the creation of the after prom party concept.
Intended to give students a place to gather and continue their socializing in a safe, alcohol and drug-free environment, after prom parties are now held locally and all over the country.
Hopedale Jr./Sr. High School first offered this opportunity to its students in 2000. After several years of attendees going back to the high school after the prom, the after-prom party has since alternatively been hosted at PINZ in Milford, and Hopedale High School.
This year’s party is on track to be another big success, once again taking place at PINZ, on Friday, April 28.

Attendees will enjoy bowling, casino games, laser tag, axe throwing, arcade games, a photo booth, temporary tattoos, and a performance by a hypnotist/comedian/magician.
Providing a safe, fun alternative to traditional house parties is not inexpensive though, After Prom Party co-chairs Laura Carroll and Lorene Hunt anticipate this year’s gathering will cost between $15,000 and $20,000.
Local businesses, school organizations and community members fund the after prom party, with the money going towards the venue rental, entertainment, food and drinks, and prizes the students can win throughout the night.
Students attending the after-prom party will arrive at PINZ between 11 and 11:30pm, and will be there until 5am, so lots of activities need to be scheduled to keep kids engaged, and awake!
The after-prom party is coordinated and chaperoned by parent volunteers; previous years the members were a subcommittee of the PTO but this year the committee became its own entity.
Many hours of planning and fundraising go into ensuring the night runs smoothly, with the hope that parents of younger students will volunteer, even before their child is a participant.
This “Pay it Forward” philosophy ensures that every year will have experienced planners, and that parents of students attending the prom can sit back that evening and enjoy their child’s special occasion. Any parent interested in becoming a volunteer chaperone the night of the after-prom party (shifts are usually 1 ½ to 3 hours) can reach out to the committee at [email protected].
Hopedale Jr./Sr. High School is smaller than other local high schools, currently there are 142 kids in the junior and senior classes combined. All students in those grades are invited to attend the after-prom party, regardless of whether they go to the prom, as are their underclassman prom dates.
Co-chairs Carroll and Hunt are estimating about 125 kids will head to Pinz to celebrate with their classmates.
Donations are always welcomed and appreciated, there is currently a Unipay link set up ( ID=1173), or donors can send checks or gift cards in to the Hopedale High School main office (25 Adin Street, Hopedale). Monetary donations of any size will help contribute to the goal, and all donors will be recognized at the event.
The Hopedale After-Prom Party committee is excited to once again provide an enjoyable, safe place for students to continue the magic and celebrations of prom night. Please consider supporting this goal, and our kids, with your donation or your time.