Hopedale Police Department releases third quarter statistics

By Theresa Knapp
The Hopedale Police Department has released its third-quarter statistics which reflect criminal and traffic statistics for January, February and March 2023.
According to the report, the highest number of incidents under criminal activity was “total [number] of calls for service” at 3,202, and “property checks made” at 791 and “officer investigative cases” at 665.
The highest rates of traffic activity (after 3,363 hours spent on preventative patrolling) were 552 motor vehicle citations issued, and 418 motor vehicle stops. There were also 409 written/verbal warnings issued.
There were no reports of missing persons/runaways, no reports of motor vehicle theft, and only one harassing phone call during the third quarter of FY23.
Criminal Activity (Jan., Feb., March 2023)
3Q total
Alarm calls 19
Harassing phone calls 1
Breaking and entering 5
Summons served/delivered 17
Criminal damage 2
Missing persons/runaway/juvenile 0
Property checks made 791
911 calls 60
Disturbance/fight calls 14
Animal complaint calls 24
Arrests 50
Officer investigative cases 665
Field interviews 30
Calls for service 3,202
Traffic Activity (Jan., Feb., March 2023)
3Q total
Motor vehicle accidents responded to 19
Parking tickets issued 40
Vehicles towed 32
Motor vehicle lockouts 4
Disabled auto/public assist 23
Motor vehicle thefts 0
Motor vehicle stops 418
Motor vehicle citations issued
Written/verbal warnings issued
Hours spent on selective enforcement 62
Hours spent for School Resource Officer 72
Hours spent on preventative patrolling 3,363
Hours spent at court 60
Hours spent on community policing 5
Hours spent assisting other agencies 35
Data Source: Hopedale Police Department, Hopedale Select Board meeting packet, May 8, 2023.