Hopedale welcomes new Town Administrator Mitchell Ruscitti Public welcome to drop by anytime

By Theresa Knapp
At its meeting on June 26, the Hopedale Select Board welcomed Mitchell Ruscitti as the town’s new Town Administrator.
“It’s a pleasure being here,” said Ruscitti, at the beginning of his first meeting of the Select Board. “If anyone wants to pop in anytime or give me a call, it’s an open door policy. I’m here all day every day, so come on by.”
After a months-long search, Ruscitti was chosen to fill the position held since December by former Interim Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting.
Selectperson Bernie Stock took a moment “to thank Jeffrey too for the work that he did in the interim to get us through a very uncomfortable situation…I know that following somebody like Jeff is like following Michelangelo after the Sistine Chapel [ceiling] and saying ‘Is there any improvements you want to make?’...But I’m sure that you’ll make your own mark.”
Ruscitti lives in Milford and is the founder of, and chief consultant with, Tillrock Consulting which provides services