Hopedale summer concert series ends, planning for Hopedale Day begins
The Hopedale summer concert series is over for this season, and the Hopedale Cultural Council would like to thank the following businesses who generously donated gift cards for our free giveaway on concert nights: Dairy Queen, JJ’s Ice Cream, Hens and Chicks Cookie Company, and the Coffee Bar.
Planning is in full swing for the 43rd Hopedale Day in the Park on Saturday, Sept. 23. There will be animal shows, entertainment, food booths, crafters, art shows, and fun for all ages. The HCC is now accepting applications for the student and adult art shows and craft vendors. The applications can be found at www.hopedale-ma.gov/hopedale-cultural-council or by emailing [email protected]
The HCC thanks the following sponsors who have contributed (as of press time) to this event:
Platinum level:
Charles River Bank
Imperial Ford, Inc.
Caroline›s Cannabis
Dewey Pest and Wildlife
Virginia and Francis Larkin
Front Line Inc.
Buma Sargeant Funeral Home
Bronze level:
Watson Colonial Funeral Home