Hopedale Council on Aging plans autumn trips Get your tickets today

Upcoming trips include:
Wed., Oct. 4: New Hampshire’s Foliage Splendor
Includes stops at Granite State Candy shoppe, luncheon at the Common Man Restaurant, and a visit to Meadow Ledge Farm. Everyone will receive a gift of Meadow Ledge’s delicious apple cider donuts to take home. Price is $129 per person, includes transportation, luncheon, meal tax/gratuity, touring, and service of a Best of Times Travel tour guide (gratuity included). For more information, contact (508) 634-2208.
Fri., Oct. 27: American Heritage Museum in Hudson, free
This is a salute to Hopedale veterans. The trustees of the Hopedale Community House, extend a thankful invitation, as part of our 100th birthday, to Hopedale residents who served as members of the United States Armed Forces. We want you to be our guest to travel to Hudson, Mass and visit the American Heritage Museum where you will see the military history of our nation through a series of compelling exhibits from the Revolutionary War to the present. This trip brings the history of all veterans to life. This is a can’t miss opportunity and a warm thank you for serving our country and representing Hopedale. Space is limited and offered to Hopedale veterans on a first-come-first-served basis. We will gather at the Hopedale Community House, Senior Center at 9:15 AM for a departure by coach bus at 9:30 AM. On our return to Hopedale, we will enjoy a box lunch in the Community House, main hall and share thoughts about our experience. Reservations required by Oct. 20 by calling (508) 634-2208.
Wed., Nov. 15: ABBA Tribute at Lake Pearl in Wrentham
Join Best of Times Travel as we celebrate the music of ABBA, one of the most commercially successful acts in the history of popular music, topping the charts worldwide from 1974 to 1982. ABBA Tribute Band “Dancing Dream” will provide entertainment at Lake Pearl. Price is $115 per person, includes transportation, plated luncheon (vegetable lasagna, or Thanksgiving dinner with the fixings and sides), show ticket, meal tax and meal gratuity. For more information, contact (508) 634-2208.