Hopedale approves social media policy for town employees

Town Administrator’s office to oversee official posts
By Theresa Knapp
The Hopedale Select Board has approved a “Social Media/Networking Policy & Use Guidelines” document that will apply to all town employees.
According to the 8-page document, the policy is “meant to establish an expectation of the methods of communication and the information conveyed by departments and employees of the Town of Hopedale. The Town of Hopedale uses social media/networking to maintain a higher level of transparency of the ongoing operations of the town and to disseminate information to residents and interested parties in an effort to reach a broadening audience.”
Specific sites listed include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Vine, YouTube, and Flickr.
Town Administrator Mitch Ruscitti said the town does not currently have a policy, and the approved document will serve as a “good foundation” going forward.
“As of right now, the intent would be to have one place of communication, one verified source of information, everything would flow through our office on behalf of the departments and we would control it that way,” said Ruscitti, adding the intent is to share information “one-way,” not to engage with the public through social media.
The Town Administrator’s office would approve all posts before they go live.
“If we had a department head who wanted to post something about an event or something going on, that post would have to be approved by this [Town Administrator] office before it’s allowed to be posted.”
Employees are required to review the policy and sign an acknowledgement that will be kept in the employee’s personnel file. Ruscitti noted the document would need to be shared with union leaders because it is related to personnel.
To read the entire policy, visit bit.ly/HopedaleSBpacket07242023