Hopedale Winter Stroll & Shop Hop will be Dec. 2

By Theresa Knapp
This year’s Winter Stroll & Shop Hop will take place on Dec. 2 from noon to 7 p.m.
Tracy Phillips, President of the Friends of Historic Hopedale, was before the Select Board on Aug. 14 to provide details about this year’s event, which will include vendors at the Draper Gym and local businesses listed on a special event map that patrons can visit during the event.
“The goal is just to get customers into Hopedale businesses,” said Phillips, adding any Hopedale business can be listed on the event map (at no charge) by visiting friendsofhistorichopedale.com/winter-stroll before Oct. 20.
Phillips also requested (and received) permission to use two municipal parking lots for the event.
“I just love this day, I look forward to it more than anything else,” said Select Board member Bernie Stock, thanking Phillips for the work she does year-round to bring the community together. “I can’t thank Tracy enough.”