Bancroft Memorial Library News

50 Hopedale Street, Hopedale MA 01747
Contact: Tricia Perry, Library Director (508) 634-2209
The Library will be closed on Monday, April 15th for Patriot’s Day.
Solar Eclipse Community Viewing Party - Monday, April 8th from 1:30-4pm
All members of the community are invited to a free Solar Eclipse Viewing Party on the Community House lawn on Monday, April 8th from 1:30pm – 4pm. Library staff will have a limited supply of ISO certified glasses for distribution at the Community House; we ask that people be considerate and share the glasses so everyone has an opportunity to view the eclipse. This event is sponsored by the Bancroft Memorial Library, the Friends of the Hopedale Library, the Hopedale Council on Aging, the Hopedale Community House and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
Cradles to Crayons - March 25th - April 5th
The Library will again be a collection location for Cradles to Crayons, an organization that battles clothing insecurities across MA and the US. New and gently used clothing for newborns to age 12 can be dropped off any time the Library is open; there will be bins both upstairs and downstairs.
Drawing for Southwick’s Zoo Passes - April 1st through April 11th
The Friends of the Hopedale Library are sponsoring a drawing for passes to Southwick’s Zoo! To enter, fill out a form at the Library between April 1-11th. The Friends will draw 25 names on Friday, April 12th and will notify winners via a phone call. NOTE: you must be a Hopedale resident and only one entry per family/address is allowed. Each winner will receive two free passes to the Zoo.
Helen Symonds Book Group
Wednesday, April 3rd at 1:00pm
The group will meet in the Library Program Room to discuss Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See. “Tan Yunxian -- born into an elite family, is being raised by her grandparents to be of use. Her grandmother is one of only a handful of female doctors in China, and she teaches Yunxian the pillars of Chinese medicine, the Four Examinations: looking, listening, touching, and asking. Sent into an arranged marriage, forbidden to continue her work as a midwife-in-training and ordered to act like a proper wife, Tan seeks a way to continue treating women and girls from every level of society in fifteenth-century China.” - adapted from CWMARS catalog
Community Conversations
Wednesday, April 3rd at 6:30pm
Community Conversations will meet to discuss Immigration. If you are interested in joining the conversation, please sign up at the Circulation Desk or online on the Library website under Calendar of Events.
News from The Friends of the Hopedale Library
Birdscaping: Home Sweet Habitat - Wednesday, April 17th at 6:30pm
The Friends of the Hopedale Library are pleased to present Birdscaping: Home Sweet Habitat. Join us as Joan Butler of Enchanted Gardens explores the importance of creating welcoming habitats for birds through thoughtful landscape choices. Learn about the benefits and joys of creating beautiful layered gardens designed for avian - and human - habitats. To register for this free program, please stop by the Library, call 508-634-2209, or sign up through the online event calendar. All ages are welcome.
Maker Mondays - Monday, April 22nd at 6pm
Join our evening crafting workshop for adults at Bancroft Memorial Library! This month is Seedlings 101 - learn some casual planting tips with fun facts and engage in a Q&A with Suzie Canale. Space is limited and registration is required. Register online on the Library website under Calendar of Events.
DQ Fundraiser - Tuesday, April 23rd 5pm-8pm
Support The Friends of the Hopedale Library at the Milford Dairy Queen at 190 West Street in Milford. The Friends will receive 10% of all purchases from 5-8pm; all monies raised will go right back to support Library programs, summer reading, museum passes, and expenses not covered by the Library budget.
Free Seed Library
Don’t forget to stop by the Bancroft Memorial Library and get free seeds from our Seed Library. There is no limit - take what you need! Special thanks to Burpee & Co., Baker Seed Company, Floret Flowers, Hudson Valley Seed Company, High Mowing Organic Seeds, and New England Seed. Fundraiser
Our fundraiser continues through 5/15! Order flowers, bulbs, and other plants online, have orders shipped directly to you and the Friends will earn 50%. Shop at
Ongoing Book Sale
Support the Friends of the Hopedale Library anytime the Library is open by shopping the Ongoing Book sale, located downstairs just outside of the program room. All monies raised pay for expenses not covered by the Library budget.
About the Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Hopedale Library meets the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm, September - June. It is a volunteer, non-profit organization with a town-wide membership and a representative executive board. We work with the Library staff and Trustees to provide funds for equipment, materials, and programs not covered by the Library’s regular operating budget. New members and ideas are always welcome!
News from the Marjorie Hattersley Children’s Room
Registration is encouraged but not required for all events. Please visit our website to register online under Calendar of Events.
Rhyme Time - Ages 2 - 4 years: Tuesdays 4/2, 9, 23, 30 at 10:00am
Toddler Tunes - Ages 1 - 3 : Tuesdays 4/2, 9, 23, 30 at 11:00am
Teen Advisory - Grades 6 - 12: Wednesday 4/3 at 5pm
Share pizza and play video games! Registration required.
Alpha-nauts! - Ages 4 - 6: Thursdays 4/4, 11, 25 at 10am
Registration required.
Busy Babies - Ages 0 - 18 mos: Thursdays 4/4, 11, 25 at 11am
Book Cubs - Grades 2 - 3: Wednesday 4/10 at 4pm
Registration required.
Teen Movie Night - 4/17 from 6-8pm
Saturday 4/6 from 10-12pm: Make an indirect viewer for the solar eclipse on April 8th
*New* Teen Book Club: Book Buffet - Grades 6-12 - 4/29 from 6-7pm
Enjoy some treats as we talk about our favorite books and start your own mini book library!
Saturday Family Fun - Saturdays April 13 and April 27 from 11am-1pm.
April Vacation week - Tuesday, April 16th through Saturday, April 20th
We will be making spring crafts, watching a movie, planting seeds to take home and having a Taylor Swift day! Call the Library or check the Library website under Calendar of Events for more information.
Desserts and Discussions - Wednesday April 24th at 6:00pm
Presented by the Milford Family & Community Network, this fun night is a participant led discussion only for parents/caregivers to connect with others. To register, call (508) 277-4981. The Milford Family & Community Network is a Coordinated Family Community Engagement grant funded by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care and awarded to Milford Public Schools.
For updates throughout the month, Friend us on Facebook and sign up at to discover the Library’s newest books, movies and music. Our webpage is