Bancroft Memorial Library

Library News
The Library will be closed on Saturday, May 25th and Monday, May 27th for the Memorial Day holiday weekend
Helen Symonds Book Group - Wednesday, May 1st at 1:00pm
The group will meet in the Library Program Room to discuss West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge. “’Few true friends have I known and two were giraffes...’ Woodrow Wilson Nickel, age 105, feels his life ebbing away. But when he learns giraffes are going extinct, he finds himself recalling the unforgettable experience he cannot take to his grave. It’s 1938 and the Great Depression lingers, Hitler is threatening Europe, and world-weary Americans long for wonder. They find it in two giraffes who miraculously survive a hurricane while crossing the Atlantic. What follows is a twelve-day road trip in a custom truck to deliver Southern California’s first giraffes to the San Diego Zoo. Part adventure, part historical saga, and part coming-of-age love story, West with Giraffes explores what it means to be changed by the grace of animals, the kindness of strangers, the passing of time, and a story told before it’s too late” - adapted from CWMARS catalog
Community Conversations Wednesday, May 1st at 6:30pm
Community Conversations will meet to discuss guns in our society. If you are interested in joining the conversation, please sign up at the Circulation Desk or online on the Library website under Calendar of Events.
Save The Date: Garden Stepping Stones - Saturday, June 15th from 9:30am - 1:00pm
Stop by the Library with friends and family to create a personalized garden stepping stone to keep or give as a gift. All materials will be provided. Registration for time slots is encouraged. To register for this free program, please stop by the Library, call (508) 634-2209, or sign up online on the Library website under Calendar of Events.
News from The Friends of the Hopedale Library
Surviving to Thriving Workshop with Pam Formosa – Wednesday, May 15th at 6:30 pm
Are you anxious, exhausted, and overwhelmed? Frustrated and scattered? Join us as Pam Formosa of the Brain Fit Academy helps us feel better! Learn how to notice and target your stress response and take your control back. Come learn simple yet powerful brain-organizing movement-based tools that create calm, clarity, hope, and resilience. As our “Agent for Change”, Pam will kick start a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement to feel better, find your purpose, and thrive. To register for this free program, please stop by the Library, call (508) 634-2209, or sign up online on the Library website under Calendar of Events.
Maker Mondays
Monday, May 20th at 6:00pm
We will be learning about Kulina Folk Art and scrunch painting a silk scarf with Garine. No experience needed! We will discuss colors and how to blend them in a successful manner using a permanent, high chroma, highly transparent liquid fabric paint. Learn the step-by- step “tie dye style” creative process; every participant will go home with a beautiful and wearable scarf!
Free Seed Library!
Stop by the Bancroft Memorial Library and get free seeds from our Seed Library. There is no limit! If you don’t need a full packet, smaller envelopes are available. Take what you need! Special thanks to Burpee & Co., Baker Seed Company, Floret Flowers, Hudson Valley Seed Company, High Mowing Organic Seeds, and New England Seed. Fundraiser
Please support The Friends of the Hopedale Library by shopping our fundraiser through 5/15! You can order flowers, bulbs, and other plants online and have orders shipped directly to you. The Friends of the Hopedale Library earns 50% which goes right back to the Library. Shop at
Ongoing Book Sale
Support the Friends of the Hopedale Library any time the Library is open by shopping the Ongoing Book Sale, located downstairs just outside of the Program Room. All monies raised pay for expenses not covered by the Library budget.
Book and Puzzle Collection Dates: The Friends will be accepting donations on Monday, May 6th and Monday, May 13th from 4 pm - 7 pm. Adult hardcover books must be published within the last 5 years and paperbacks within the past 10 years. Children’s books and puzzles in good condition will also be accepted. No textbooks, cookbooks or gardening books please!
About the Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Hopedale Library, founded in 1983, is an active volunteer, non-profit organization with a town-wide membership and a representative executive board. We work with the Library staff and the Trustees to support the Library in providing funds for equipment, materials, and programs not covered by the Library’s regular operating budget. The Friends of the Hopedale Library meets the second Wednesday of the month, September through June at 6:30 pm. New members and ideas are always welcome. You can sign up through our membership flyer in this newspaper!
Friends of the Library Fundraiser
Stay tuned for information about an upcoming fundraiser at Christiano Pizza, located at 60 Hopedale Street.
News from the Marjorie Hattersley Children’s Room
Registration is encouraged but not required for all events. Please visit our website to register online under Calendar of Events.
Rhyme Time - Ages 2 - 4 years: Tuesdays 5/7, 14, 21, 28 at 10:00am
Toddler Tunes - Ages 1 - 3: Tuesdays 5/7, 14, 21, 28 at 11:00am
Teen Advisory - Grades 6 - 12: Wednesday 5/1 at 5pm
Share pizza and play video games! Registration required.
Alpha-nauts! - Ages 4 - 6: Thursdays 5/2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 10am Registration required.
Busy Babies - Ages 0 - 18 mos: Thursdays 5/2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 11am
Book Cubs - Grades 2 - 3: Wednesday 5/8 at 4pm
Registration required.
Teen Book Club: Book Buffet - Grades 6-12: Monday 5/20 from 6-7pm
Enjoy some treats as we talk about our favorite books and add to your mini book library!
Coming Soon: Summer Reading 2024!
Registration for our Summer Reading Program starts June 1st and officially kicks off on Monday June 24th! Miss Laura will be visiting classrooms at the Bright Beginnings Preschool and Memorial Elementary School to share information about the Summer Reading Program.
Desserts and Discussions - Wednesday May 22nd at 6:00pm
Presented by the Milford Family & Community Network, this fun night is a participant led discussion only for parents/caregivers to connect with others. To register, call (508) 277-4981. The Milford Family & Community Network is a Coordinated Family Community Engagement grant funded by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care and awarded to Milford Public Schools.
For updates throughout the month, Friend us on Facebook and sign up at to discover the Library’s newest books, movies and music. Our webpage is