Hopedale town election results, Hazard retains Select Board seat
By Theresa Knapp
Hopedale’s annual town election took place Tuesday, May 14.
According to Town Clerk Lisa Pedroli, 1,067 people – or 26.4% of the town’s 4,042 registered voters – cast a ballot in this election.
The final results are available at bit.ly/HopedaleElection2024 and include:
Select Board (3-year term)
Glenda A. Hazard *
Board of Health (3 yrs)
Jason MacDonald *
Housing Authority (5 yrs)
Karlene A. Alger *
Library Trustee (3 yrs)
Christine S. Seaver *
Park Commission (3 yrs)
Michael Costanza
Planning Board (5 yrs)
Christopher Cody Chase *
Road Commissioner
(3 yrs)
Justin Bruce Paulson
School Committee
(3 yrs, 2 seats)
Kaitlin Federico
Alysia K Butler *
Town Moderator (3 yrs)
Eugene N. Phillips *
Water & Sewer Commissioner (3 yrs)
Edward J. Burt *
* Incumbent
Voters were also asked one question: “Shall the town vote to have its elected tree warden become an appointed tree warden of the town?” The question prevailed with 616 ‘yes’ votes and 284 ‘no’ votes.