Hopedale Day in the Park set for Sept. 21

Registration forms for crafters, artists, vendors due by Aug. 10
Hopedale Day in the Park 2024 will take place on Sept. 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Draper Park located between Freedom, Dutcher, and Northrop Streets. The event will not be cancelled if there is a brief morning shower. The rain date is Sunday, Sept. 22.
Applications must be received by Aug. 10 and must include a $40 non-refundable application fee. Applications postmarked after Aug. 10 will require a $50 application fee. No applications will be accepted after Sept. 1.
Applications and details can be found at bit.ly/HopedaleDayinthePark2024regform. Forms should be returned to Jean Hill, 16 Union St., Hopedale 01747. Questions can be directed to [email protected].
The event is sponsored by the Hopedale Cultural Council and the Town of Hopedale.