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July Special Town Meeting did not go forward, October meeting will allocate funds for school roof

Project costs have outpaced $1.8 million allocation 

approved in 2023

By Theresa Knapp

A Special Town Meeting scheduled for July 23 did not go forward, instead the single issue will be taken up at the October Fall Town Meeting. 

The July meeting was intended to approve the money necessary to fund the “costs of design and installation of a new roof on the Hopedale Junior-Senior High School, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto.” No dollar amount was listed on the July warrant. 

In August, Town Administrator Mitch Ruscetti told Hopedale Town News the July meeting did not go forward because the project bids were not back yet but, due to increased construction costs, were expected to exceed the amount approved by Annual Town Meeting in 2023. 

“The roof project has exceeded the initial $1.8 million allocated last [2023] spring at Town Meeting. This is due to inflationary costs, materials shortages, and labor increases,” said Ruscetti, adding that, since the COVID-19 pandemic, public works projects are experiencing “incremental cost increases” that far outpace other project areas. 

“This way, 

when we head into 

Town Meeting in the Fall, 

we know exactly 

how much funding 

will be needed to 

complete the project.”

-Mitch Ruscetti, Hopedale Town AdministratorHad the dollar amount been approved by Special Town Meeting in July, the Town would have been able to bond it together with other capital projects in August in hopes of securing a lower interest rate. 

Ruscetti said, “However, as we do not yet know what the bids for the project will come in at, the [Hopedale Public Schools] Superintendent, myself, School Committee, and Select Board thought it was best to bid out the project prior to asking the Town to allocate additional funding. This way, when we head into Town Meeting in the Fall, we know exactly how much funding will be needed to complete the project.”

 As information becomes available, it will be posted at