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Hopedale - Local Town Pages

Oct. 20 Special Town Meeting to be held at Unitarian Parish 1867 church was site of community meetings before Town Hall was built

By Theresa Knapp
The Select Board has called a Special Town Meeting on Oct. 29 to be held at Hopedale Unitarian Parish. 
At a meeting of the board on Sept. 9, Town Administrator Mitch Ruscetti said, “It looks like the warrant is going to be extremely light, so maybe 8-10 warrant articles, most of it housekeeping.” 
Ruscetti also said the meeting location had become an issue due to the required timing of the meeting and limitations (and costs) related to other large spaces in town. 
“In looking for alternatives, it was offered and I do want put it in front of the board because there is historical precedent in this town, is to have Town Meeting in the conference room or the event room at the [Unitarian] Universalist Church…the town uses that building for other events through the school,” said Ruscetti. “The structure was built in 1867 in part as a community meeting house so that is what I am going to recommend for date and location.” 
Acting Select Board Chair Glenda Hazard said, “I would prefer it not be in a church.” 
Selectperson Scott Savage said he could agree to meet in the church in this instance. 
Selectperson Bernie Stock said he would typically prefer the meeting not be held in a church but not necessarily this time. 
Stock said, “The Unitarian Church is there because when Adin Ballou [1803-1890] moved from Milford to Hopedale, he brought the Unitarian religion with him. And, of course, we know the Draper sons came with him, and it was the Drapers who built that church in memory of him, and so that building has a lot of our history and a lot of our roots in it. It was the site of community meetings before the Town Hall was built so it’s got a lot of precedent, it’s got a lot of history, I’m more than comfortable being in that church.” 
The board to set the date as Oct. 29 and the location as the Unitarian church passed 2-1 with Stock and Savage in favor, and Hazard opposed. 
At the beginning of the meeting, the board named Hazard as Acting Chair at Stock’s request.