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Special Town Meeting moved to November

By Theresa Knapp 
In a social media post on Oct. 18, Hopedale Town Administrator Mitch Ruscitti posted, “…the Town will be moving the October 29th Special Town Meeting to a date in November.” The new date was to be determined at the next meeting of the Select Board. 
The announcement went on to explain: 
“As you are aware, the Junior/Senior High School is in need of a new roof. This week, the Town has completed the state mandated procurement process. To be able to discuss funding options and alternatives with the public and award the project, additional considerations must be made to the Special Town Meeting Warrant. 
“We must reiterate that the current roof is leaking and needs to be replaced – moving this project down the road is not advisable without serious risk to the facility. We look forward to working with our team to present options to the town at STM.” 
As of press time, a new November meeting date had not yet been selected. 
Other items on the Special Town Meeting warrant, in addition to the junior/middle high school roof repair, include repair or replacement of the HVAC system in the Bancroft Memorial Library, establishment of a Hopedale Redevelopment Authority, amend zoning bylaws regarding accessory dwelling units, veterans tax abatement update, and other financial matters