Friends of Bright Beginners Offers Support to BBC

Students do yoga with Miss Wendi
The Friends of Bright Beginners Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) has once again proven their commitment to supporting early childhood education in Hopedale, enhancing the learning experience for the young children attending Bright Beginnings Center Preschool in town. The parent led group has organized a series of events and fundraisers to ensure the school continues to provide an enriching environment for its students.
Led by preschool parents Marc Long, Angel Long, Kayleigh Tosches, and Jessica Massaroco, the group is wrapping up its December calendar raffle fundraiser that raised over $5,000 for the school. In addition, the group has put on several family focused events this school year, including the annual welcome back to school party, the pumpkin stroll, and the holiday party. Friends of Bright Beginners also hosted tables at Hopedale’s Winter Stroll and Day in the Park.
The group’s purpose, to help enrich programming at the school has led to them being able to provide upgraded classroom materials, purchase new educational tools, and provide enrichment programs. This year Friends of Bright Beginners has offered monthly music and yoga enrichments for the students. In addition, in the past the group has brought in visitors such as Southwick’s Zoo and the Ecotarium. In addition, the PTO has been instrumental in organizing community-building events, such as the annual Family Fun Night, where families and staff come together to enjoy games, food, and entertainment while raising funds for the center.
“Over the years it is clear that the Friends group shares a belief in the power of community and education,” said Kristen Poisson, Principal at the Bright Beginnings Center. “By coming together, getting involved, and working with us here at the school, they can provide their children with the best possible start to their education.”
Poisson listed some of the key achievements of the group over the past five years as being a full renovation of the BBC playground and funding of training for BBC facility dog Sunny. “The leadership of the group changes as new students enroll and others move on to kindergarten,” said Poisson, “but the group always comes together to accomplish amazing things that benefit our children.”
The involvement of Friends of Bright Beginnings extends beyond just fundraising. They actively engage with the preschool community through their Facebook group and email updates, organize teacher appreciation events, and help with connecting new families through their events. Their partnership with Bright Beginnings Center ensures that teachers, staff, students, and families have the support they need to thrive.
As the year progresses, the Friends of Bright Beginners PTO has set their sights on expanding their outreach efforts, including reaching out to preschool families and new, incoming families about interest in board positions. All four current board members have children at the school who will be moving on to kindergarten. As has happened in the past, Friends of Bright Beginners will be looking for new leadership to continue the great work they’ve been able to do over the years.
For more information about the Friends of Bright Beginners PTO or to get involved in upcoming events, current and prospective preschool families can visit their Facebook group. Together with BBC, they are building a brighter future, one child at a time.