Hopedale remains one voting precinct

Towns with less than 6,200 residents can maintain one voting precinct
By Theresa Knapp
Massachusetts General Laws require towns to “divide into convenient voting precincts after each federal census.”
Towns with less than 6,200 inhabitants have the option to remain as one voting district.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Hopedale’s 2020 population was 6,017.
“Following the 2020 census results, every city and town evaluated whether [their] town was required to re-precinct. Fortunately, our population increase did not necessitate that and we were able to stay one precinct,” explained Town Administrator Diana Schindler at the Select Board’s meeting on Oct. 12 when the board voted unanimously to remain as one precinct.
Town officials noted that proposed housing projects in town will likely push the population over the minimum threshold after the next federal census in 2030.