Bancroft Memorial Library - November 2021 Update

50 Hopedale Street, Hopedale MA 01747
Contact: Tricia Perry, Interim Library Director, 508-634-2209
Veterans Day
The Bancroft Memorial Library will be closed on Thursday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day.
Thanksgiving Hours
Wednesday, November 24 open 10:00am-1:30pm
Thursday, November 25 (Thanksgiving Day) CLOSED
Friday, November 26 (open regular hours) 1:00pm-5:00pm
Saturday, November 27 (open regular hours) 10am-2pm
Stencil Wall Hanging Take and Make Craft Kit
Pick up a craft kit on Saturday, November 20 and create a beautiful, stencil wall hanging. All you will need is paint!
NoveList Plus
Looking for something new to read, but don’t know where to begin? Why not try NoveList Plus, an online resource provided by CW MARS! NoveList Plus includes reading recommendations for all ages based on preferences. Check out our tutorial for the resource on the Bancroft Memorial Library’s YouTube page!
Display Case
Would you like to show off a craft or collection that you are proud to own with everyone? The Bancroft Memorial Library has a secure space for you to display your items! The glass case on the main floor is in full view of our patrons so everyone can enjoy your collection as much as you do. If you would like to display your collection at the library please contact Wendy Sullivan at 508-634-2209.
Ongoing Monthly Library Events
Helen Symonds Book Group
The Hopedale Book Discussion Group meets monthly on the first Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the Bancroft Memorial Library meeting room. New members are always welcome. If interested in joining the group, please leave your contact information at the Circulation Desk.
The group will meet on Wednesday, November 3 at 1pm to discuss Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano. Napolitano builds a gentle but persistent tension as she navigates the mind of passengers on a plane that is about to crash, and the thoughts of the boy who is the only survivor. Twelve-year-old Eddie Adler is flying with his family from New York City to Los Angeles, a temporary relocation for his mother’s television writing job. When the plane crashes in Colorado, Eddie is the sole survivor. Follow Eddie in his struggle to build a new life living with his aunt and uncle. Napolitano’s depiction of the nuances of post-trauma experiences is fearless, compassionate, and insightful.
The book to be discussed in December will be Midnight Library by Matt Haig. “Between life and death there is a library, and within that library, the shelves go on forever. Every book provides a chance to try another life you could have lived, to see how things would be if you had made other choices. Would you have done anything differently, if you had the chance to undo your regrets? Up until now Nora Seed’s life has been full of misery. When she finds herself in the Midnight Library, she can now undo every decision she regrets. But things aren’t always what she imagined they’d be...” -- adapted from book jacket CWMARS catalog
Wednesday Knitting & Crocheting Group
Join Knovel Knitters for an evening of knitting and crocheting every Wednesday night from 6:00pm until 7:45pm.
Friends of the Hopedale Library
Book Sale and Raffles
Saturday, November 13, 2021, 10 am - 2 pm
The Friends of the Hopedale Library are pleased to announce the semi-annual Book Sale on Saturday, November 13th from 10 am - 2 pm. You do not need to be a member of The Friends of the Hopedale Library to attend! Raffle tickets will also be on sale for gift baskets. The baskets will be on view at the library starting on November 1st. Tickets will be $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. There is something for everyone!
Holiday Harmony Quartet
Saturday, December 4, 2021, 2 pm (snow date 12/11)
Please join us on Saturday, December 4th from 2-3 for a holiday concert with the local acapella group Holiday Harmony Quartet. This special event will take place in the upstairs Reading Room. The program will last approximately an hour. To reserve your seat please contact library staff at 508-634-2209 or stop by the upstairs circulation desk. Seats are limited!
Are you interested in joining The Friends of the Hopedale Library? The Friends meet the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. We always welcome new members! Please call or stop by the upstairs circulation desk to join.
The Friends of the Hopedale Library support the Library by providing funds for equipment, materials and programs to supplement the regular operating budget. They offer adult events September- June and fund the children’s summer reading and other programs. More information can be found at
News from the Marjorie Hattersley Children’s Room
Check It Out! Celebration
The winners of this year’s “Check It Out!” will celebrate on Wednesday, November 3 at 6pm with pizza and a special program. Thank you to the Memorial School, who will be providing the pizza dinner, and to The Friends of the Hopedale Library for their programming support.
A Dragon Adventure
Mrs. Kraimer is pleased to present the Thanksgiving movie, A Dragon Adventure, on Monday, November 15 at 3:30pm. “After communicating with the devious Emrick the Wizard in a dream, King Bedwyr asks his favorite wee dragons, Boil and Cai to bury the hatchet with the Wee Kingdom’s longstanding enemy, Durwyn the dragon, and invite him to their upcoming wee holiday Thanksgiving celebration! Little do the wees know, Durwyn has his own evil plans! Join the Wee Dragons for a Thanksgiving feast of fun and adventure!” – CW MARS Catalog. For ages 5 and up, please call Mrs. Kraimer at (508)634-2209 to register.
Thanksgiving Floral Centerpiece Craft
Make a festive Thanksgiving centerpiece with Karina James on Wednesday, November 17 at 4pm. This program is for grades 4 and up. Registration is required. Please call Mrs. Kraimer to register for this event at (508)634-2209.
This is Hanukkah!
Join Mrs. Kraimer for some special Hanukkah fun on December 1 at 6:15pm. Listen to some Hanukkah stories, music, and make a craft! This program is for ages 6 and up. Space is limited so call Mrs. Kraimer today at (508)634-2209 to register.
For updates throughout the month, Friend us on Facebook, sign up at to receive library news via email, and be sure to add the Mobile App to your phone for up-to-date reminders. The library webpage is